seniors bucket listsMost everyone is aware of the term “bucket list”…most likely from the Morgan Freeman / Jack Nicholson movie in the mid 2000s. In the vernacular, a bucket list is a list of things or experiences a person wants to accomplish before they die. Perhaps the term came about as a logical follow on from the phrase “kick the bucket” (to die). In any case, thinking about what would be on your bucket list is a fun exercise that allows us all to dream a little…and it’s great for seniors, youth, and everyone in between! We decided to canvass the crowd to learn what’s on other people’s lists, and then we’ll discuss a few tips that can help you on the path towards achieving them!

Here are some of the answers we got…are any of these on your list?

  • To own a vineyard and farm (Justin P.)
  • Pay off all of my debt (Kimberly P.)
  • Hike into a hot spring that hasn’t been turned into a business (Jessica N.)
  • Dive the Great Barrier Reef (Bill S.)
  • Visit New Zealand (Justin F….read here about traveling with senior citizens)
  • Visit all the professional baseball stadiums in the United States (Elizabeth L.)
  • Find heaven on earth (Ted B.)
  • Travel outside the United States (Lizzy B.)

As you can see, bucket lists are as diverse as the people who create them! While you may not get to all the activities on your list, why not do the best you can to accomplish as many as possible? Of course, your dreams and desires may change as you age, but that is no problem! Even if you’re homebound or receiving in home care, there are a lot of great life goals and experiences to strive for, like learning a foreign language, creating a home business, or volunteering for a nonprofit. The important thing is that you have a goal that you’re working toward. Here are some tips that can help you take tangible steps forward:

  • Make a genuine effort to save money for your bucket list. Yes, we understand there are a lot of pressures to save money for all kinds of things: retirement, your children’s (or grandchildren’s) college funds, a home, etc. But the truth is this: if something is not prioritized, it will likely not happen. Whether your bucket list goals are expensive or not, if you prioritize setting aside a little money for them each month, the chances of being able to accomplish them vastly increase.
  • Tell others about your bucket list. You might be wondering why this is a helpful step…the answer is accountability! If others are aware (and perhaps even a part) of your bucket list goals, then you’ll have someone to cheer you on and gently remind you of your goals when you lose sight of them. As with other things in life, it’s a lot easier when you have someone in your corner!
  • Set an ‘expiration’ date. This is the date by which you want to accomplish a certain goal on your bucket list…not your expiration date 🙂 Having a tangible date in mind allows you to plan backwards, and set mini-goals along the way to stay on track. It’s another way to keep yourself accountable and work towards those things that will enrich your life.

Even for those in senior care, bucket lists are a great way to keep dreaming and live a fulfilling life. With a little bit of creativity, planning, and support, it’s possible to achieve some of these goals! What’s on your list??? Tell us in the comments!



Will I be committed to a long-term agreement?

No long-term agreement! PAN requests 24 hour notice to cancel services. You may cancel temporarily, make changes to your schedule with notice.

Does PAN provide skilled care?

Yes, PAN provides skilled nurses to meet those Client’s requiring more complex needs.

Does PAN provide services in local hospitals?

Yes, we can provide services in your home, assisted living community, hospitals, wherever you call home.

What is the process of finding a caregiver?

We make the process of finding a caregiver very simple and prompt using our QuickCare Placement program. Give us a call and we’ll conduct a brief phone discussion to understand your needs. We then can meet anyone involved in selecting and paying for care at your home for an in-home needs consultation. Within 24 hours of that visit we are usually able to refer a professional caregiver to your home. Our team continuously screens caregivers beyond current demand to give you quick access to the best caregivers in our community.

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