Thank you for visiting our website! As one of the leading Philadelphia home care agencies, we want to make sure our home care clients and their families feel comfortable with the people and level of care they receive.

One of the best ways to build rapport and trust is to get to know a person better! With that in mind, we wanted to introduce you to the staff of Pennsylvania Agency of Nurses. While the staff won’t necessarily be the personnel providing in home care services to your family, they are an integral part of our team, and set the tone for the services we provide to Philadelphia families. (If you’d like to “meet” our caregivers, visit our Caregiver Profile page!)

Let’s meet Caitlin, the Employee Resource Coordinator for PA Agency of Nurses!Caitlin-in-home-care-pennsylvania agency of nurses caregivers

“I joined Pennsylvania Agency of Nurses in November 2012, and my role within the agency is to market, recruit, interview, hire and orient all new PAN field staff. I’m always looking for innovative avenues to recruit new nurses or caregivers to come on board at PAN. I feel that home care is one of the most important factors in a person’s health. Having been around my own grandparents when they passed away, all they wanted to do was be at home. They didn’t want to be in a facility or nursing home. It gave them more independence remaining at home until they passed away.”

What is most important to you in your role at Pennsylvania Agency of Nurses?

“The most important thing about my role at PAN is that I want to make sure I am hiring the most qualified, loving, professional and caring person to come on board as our staff. I always think to myself when interviewing a candidate, ‘Would I let this person care for my loved ones?’

One thing I hope our clients know is that we are there to help you!! Our staff makes it possible for you to remain in your home and assist with activities of daily living that you can no longer do yourself or that you may just need some assistance with. We want to make sure you keep your dignity and independence.”

Caitlin received her Medical Administration Certificate through Chubb Institute, and went on to work for Main Line Health (Accounts Receivable department) for 2 years, then to Surgical Monitoring as an Accounts Receivable / Collections Specialist for another 2 years. She also worked at a TPA for Health Insurance as a Medical Claims Specialist for 2 years, as well as working at Mackey’s Pharmacy in Newtown Square, PA.




Will I be committed to a long-term agreement?

No long-term agreement! PAN requests 24 hour notice to cancel services. You may cancel temporarily, make changes to your schedule with notice.

Does PAN provide skilled care?

Yes, PAN provides skilled nurses to meet those Client’s requiring more complex needs.

Does PAN provide services in local hospitals?

Yes, we can provide services in your home, assisted living community, hospitals, wherever you call home.

What is the process of finding a caregiver?

We make the process of finding a caregiver very simple and prompt using our QuickCare Placement program. Give us a call and we’ll conduct a brief phone discussion to understand your needs. We then can meet anyone involved in selecting and paying for care at your home for an in-home needs consultation. Within 24 hours of that visit we are usually able to refer a professional caregiver to your home. Our team continuously screens caregivers beyond current demand to give you quick access to the best caregivers in our community.

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