Hiring a Philadelphia In Home Care Agency? What factors are most important?


The decision to hire a home care agency is a big one. Sometimes, this decision can be stressful or fraught with tension and disagreement, and other times it is seamless and easy. It all depends on the particular client in question, family dynamics, financial considerations, and the context surrounding the situation. Once a family decides that in home care is the right path, WHO to hire becomes the next step. What are the factors that families generally care most about when hiring in home care help?philadelphia in home care agency

Are You Hiring Someone for Senior Care? 3 Considerations…


hiring someone for senior care in home careThe decision to hire in home care services can be fraught with confusion and uncertainty: how do you know when the time is right to find help? Let’s jump ahead and assume that your family has made the decision to hire, and now you are searching for help with senior care. What are some of the questions you should ask, and what factors can help you make a decision as to which organization to move forward with? Let’s take a look!

Looking for In Home Care? Top 4 Primary Caretaker Qualities


qualities to look for in primary caretakers for in home careFinding the right person or agency to provide care for a loved one is a very important process. In a previous blog, we discussed some examples of primary caretakers that weren’t so great, and how to judge whether the caregiver or agency is the right fit for your family. As a follow-up to that post, we asked different adults what qualities they look for when hiring someone to take such an important role in their parent’s or spouse’s life. Here are the four answers that came up most often…


Will I be committed to a long-term agreement?

No long-term agreement! PAN requests 24 hour notice to cancel services. You may cancel temporarily, make changes to your schedule with notice.

Does PAN provide skilled care?

Yes, PAN provides skilled nurses to meet those Client’s requiring more complex needs.

Does PAN provide services in local hospitals?

Yes, we can provide services in your home, assisted living community, hospitals, wherever you call home.

What is the process of finding a caregiver?

We make the process of finding a caregiver very simple and prompt using our QuickCare Placement program. Give us a call and we’ll conduct a brief phone discussion to understand your needs. We then can meet anyone involved in selecting and paying for care at your home for an in-home needs consultation. Within 24 hours of that visit we are usually able to refer a professional caregiver to your home. Our team continuously screens caregivers beyond current demand to give you quick access to the best caregivers in our community.

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